Hey! Tomorrow Hands&Feet will be at it's very first craft fair! I've done craft fairs before, but never when I had a actual business/actual direction/actual knowledge of what the heck I'm doing/making.
If you want to come out and support handmade, the sale is at Sheridan College, Oakville and is part of the annual Arts Open House event. Not only can you come and peruse the craft sale, you can also check out the crafts&design studios and see a lot of great art and design from a lot of great people. PLUS-our Craft&Design graduation show has moved into the gallery at the college, so you can check that out too! What a lovely day!
I'm excited. I've had the luxury of not having a job or being in school this week, so I've been dyeing and piecing and sewing away. I'm learning how to make things faster and more efficiently and I'm really starting to feel like "hey, if people actually buy this stuff, I can actually do this as a job!"
Now I'm sitting in a room full of Hands&Feet products and it's a good feeling. Here's some photos from my preparations this week.
circle scarves! There's only a few of these, and I'm interested to see how they sell, as I've never done them before.
naturally dyed zipper totes
naturally dyed and pieced pouches!
Plus, I made a banner for my booth, so that's fun.
FYI, if you haven't already, check out my Etsy shop linked on the top of this page! I'll be working on stocking it up more and more, so keep checking back!